Twinkle & Arthur
Announcing the birth of their 4 beautiful puppies. They have 3 girls and 1 boy. Born October 28th, 2018 and will be ready December 23, 2018, to go to their new homes.
Twinkle is a 7-pound silver and white Coton de Tulear. and Arthur is a 12-pound solid white curly coated Coton de Tulear.
Litter theme is from the children's movie "Frozen"
Pictures of December 6th
Elsa has a forever home
A'nna' has a forever home
Pictures of November 17th
A'nna' has a forever home.
Litter theme is from the children's movie "Frozen"
Pictures of December 6th
Elsa has a forever home
A'nna' has a forever home
Gerda has a forever home
Kristoff has a forever home
Pictures of November 17th
A'nna' has a forever home.
Pictures of November 5th at about 8-days old.
A'nna' has a forever home
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